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Distance Without Distance

Distance Without Distance


Barbara Einzig


    1994, 124 pages

    ISBN 0-932716-34-2



    Barbara Einzig's miniature epics continue her project of fiction as poem. In Distance Without Distance she uncovers and describes an axis running through sensual perception, language, and landscape. Geoffrey O'Brien writes, "Distance Without Distance is an inventory of spaces, geographical and interpersonal and mythological. . . . Einzig has invented another kind of novel-a novel which might also be read as serial poem, travel journal, or philosophical investigation."


    Barbara Einzig, author of seven books, including Life Moves Outside (Burning Deck) and Disappearing Work (Figures), is a writer from the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City. Her works have been included in numerous anthologies, including Andrei Codrescu’s American Poets Say Goodbye to the 20thCentury and in French translation in Emanuel Hocquard’s and Claude Royet-Journaud’s 49+1 nouveaux poetes americains. Her published translations from the Russian include twentieth-century writers as well as versions from Siberian/Arctic indigenous traditions, most recently included in Jerome Rothenberg’s and John Rissman’s anthology, Barbaric Vast & Wild. She has received various honors, including a New York State Fellowship in poetry, the Pushcart Prize in fiction, and a residency from the Edward Albee Foundation. She has worked as art and design editor for Rizzoli International, and has written cultural and art criticism for the Village Voice, Artbyte, Arts, and other publications.

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