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AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger

AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger


Susan Gevirtz


    2010, 80 pages

    ISBN 978-0932716-71-2



    Susan Gevirtz's text orchestrates the relationships between many different types of skies, among them: the technological sky as mapped by air traffic controllers, the sky stressed by the demands of our global economy, a politically charged sky, nature's sky as plotted by ancient astronomers, the swan sky of Hans Christian Andersen, and the starry sky that dazzles our romantic imaginations. Her poetry flies reconnaissance—into hurricanes—to open possibilities for what poetry can be—"a stolen guide for the farthest ocean"—or a set of instructions for navigating the jet stream of our personal and collective lives. 



    Susan Gevirtz's books include Hotel abc (Nightboat, 2016), Coming Events (Collected Writings) (Nightboat, 2013), AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger (Kelsey St. Press), Broadcast (Trafficker Press), THRALL (Post Apollo, 2007), Omatic & After St. John (dpress, 2006), Hourglass Transcripts (Burning Deck, 2001), Spelt, a collaboration with Myung Mi Kim (a+bend press, 1999), Black Box Cutaway (Kelsey Street Press, 1999), PROSTHESIS : : CAESAREA (Potes and Poets, 1994), Taken Place (Reality Street, 1993), Linen minus (Avenue B, 1992), Domino: point of entry (Leave Books, 1992), Korean and Milkhouse (ABACUS, Potes and Poets, 1991), and the critical study Narrative's Journey: The Fiction and Film Writing of Dorothy Richardson (Peter Lang, 1996). Many essays have appeared in literary magazines and scholarly journals. She has taught at Sonoma State University, Mills College, California College of the Arts, The University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and at The Hellenic International School of the Arts, Paros, Greece. With Greek poet Siarita Kouka, she runs The Paros Symposium, an annual meeting of poets and translators from Greece and the United States, held on Paros island.


    It's not possible to be more phenomenologically direct than the poetry on these pages. This is removal of the obstacles of perception, beginning with perception, often by means of the obstacles themselves. This is what the sky is. All other skies in this one. There is a host of impossibilities to be found in AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger. Susan Gevirtz's page is both an inclusion of a scale too vast for inclusion and a selection of the minutiae that includes it. Someone might say air. She has said "astro stage." I'd introduce the Sanskrit term "akasa" (akasa is free or open spacethe most primary and pervasive of elementsmedium of life and sound). What is all over the place is normally not only beyond our grasp, its not even noticeable. A path is usually cut or carved. Yet her paths are melted into the medium that is itself the way. This is incredibly accurate with regard to consciousness when we are indeed conscious. Terribly limited terms are not only not obstacles, theyre instrumental and indispensable in opening the viewlike little portals. Like latches. Like Lockheeds P3 Orion 4 engine aircraft. Hers is a prosody that responds to the physical forces of flight. She measures in leap seconds (again, not possible). Just as she has asked of a feather, I can with like awe and admiration ask of each page of this work: "how can there be such a thing as."

    —Robert Kocik



    Michelle Puckett interviews Susan Gevirtz about AERODROME ORION & Starry Messenger on the KSP Blog


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