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Dear Friends,


As 2023 comes to a close, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Kelsey Street Press in honor of KSP's 50thAnniversary.


Kelsey Street Press was founded in 1974 to address the marginalization of women writers by small press and mainstream publishers. From the beginning, we linked our editorial policy to a poetics of allowance, encouraging women to write directly from their own creative imperatives, and to a poetics of inclusion that embraces racial and cultural diversity. Our early books were handset and printed two pages at a time on a basement letterpress. In the eighties, we instituted a series of cross-genre collaborative works between poets and visual artists. 


A decade later, as our list included more established writers, we created the Frances Jaffer Book Award and, then, the FIRSTS! series to ensure continued support of emerging poets. We also expanded our editorial vision to include the work of trans and genderqueer authors. At the heart of the Press remain the pleasures of the written page, books that can be held and carried, and ongoing participation in a continually changing poetry community. With fifty years of publishing, we remain true to our commitment to bring out a wide range of voices.


Current Projects:

Out now! A new edition of Bhanu Kapil’s Incubation: A Space for Monsters Order Here


Forthcoming in 2024:

The Redesignation of Paradise by Denise Newman

Instructions for Banno by Kiran Bath

IF AN ELSEWHERE (The Burrow) by Jocelyn Saidenberg (text) and Cybele Lyle (art)

not so, sea by Emgee Dufresne

Queer Registry: The Body & Film by Rena Rosenwasser

Next up:                  

The 2023 QTIBIPOC prize winner and finalists to be announced

KSP will be at AWP in Kansas City this February

Mark your calendars! Kelsey Street Press 50th Anniversary Saturday afternoon, April 20 at the

Hosfelt Gallery in San Francisco


We are grateful and we celebrate you all! Please consider attending our 50th Anniversary Party on April 20 (more details to come). Please consider supporting KSP in 2023! Please Donate Here


Thank you and best wishes to all,


KSP members Rena Rosenwasser, Patricia Dienstfrey, Emgee Dufresne, Erin Wilson, Carla Hall, Ching-In Chen

Updated: Feb 17

Our 50th Anniversary Celebration has been postponed to Fall 2024.

Stay tuned for more details!

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